Tucson, Arizona
barrels per day
(5 gallons)
Tucson, Arizona
Goal: First-of-a-kind carbon dioxide to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) platform with ASTM certification. Supported by the US DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) and Solar Energy Technology Office (SETO).
barrels per day
(84 gallons)
Location under NDA
Goal: First-of-a-kind integration with a major cement manufacturer for utilization of industrial emissions. Partnership with local refinery for final steps of fuel production.
barrels per day
(4,200 gallons)
Western New York
Goal: First-of-a-kind commercial plant for captured carbon dioxide to SAF and diesel. Partner with Seneca Holdings to co-create economic prosperity for future generations of the Seneca Nation.
barrels per day
(42,000+ gallons)
California and beyond
Goal: Fueling global air travel. Recent investment from United Airlines is accelerating this timeline.
Carbon dioxide is a resource—the most ubiquitous feedstock in the world. Dimensional’s reactors and catalysts make it possible to use carbon dioxide to make a replacement for oil at a price that improves our economy today.
By replacing fossil fuels with Dimensional Energy, we can place 11% of global emissions into an industrial use cycle. That’s 4.4 billion tons per year, or about 2 tons per person from industrialized countries.
This math matters, but our work is about more than numbers.
We foster climate justice by pairing revolutionary fuel technology with vital and binding community engagement processes to realize durable prosperity for all.
Until now, carbon dioxide has been defined as waste—it is what’s left over when all the energy is burned off energy-dense fuels. It is warming our planet because conventional wisdom says it is an impossible byproduct to utilize cost effectively.
Equipped with our carbon utilization platform, carbon-intensive industries can chart a course to carbon neutral or zero emissions operations.
The difference between “waste” and “resource” is Dimensional.
We recognize every community, region and ecosystem has its own unique needs and sensitivities, and know our potential for global impact relies on local knowledge.
All companies must engage in some sort of siting process for major infrastructure projects. Dimensional’s process is informed by decades of deep environmental justice work.
We emerge from our five-step process—Discover, Engage, Collaborate, Commit, Co-Create—with a binding contract with the communities to deliver lasting benefit. This could include ecosystem restoration, providing job training, working with local businesses and more.
Dimensional is looking for value-aligned individuals and organizations eager to bring change to fossil carbon supply chains.
We're happy to discuss how our fuels and product precursors can fit into any industrial process, whether by providing sustainable feedstocks or capturing carbon dioxide from existing manufacturing facilities and transforming it into fuel.